(November 2024)
The lightning that characterizes thunderstorms is produced by frozen and supercooled liquid precipitation particles in the high altitude thunderclouds (See R.P. Feynman-R.B. Leighton-M. Sands, Modern Physics, vol. 5, p. 120. Technical Publishers, 1969. ETO 53 "19" (082), where the authors summarize the physics of lightning in the chapter "Atmospheric Electricity"). The strong upward flow causes water droplets to become supercooled droplets above a temperature of about -7 °C, and then negatively charged ice particles around -20 °C. The droplets freeze first on the outer surface and then on the inside, according to the temperature distribution. The ions in the cloud (mainly H+ and OH- and electrons from water) form domains depending on the temperature distribution. Above about -20 °C, the majority of positive ions are formed, below -20 °C negative ions. The tops of thunderclouds are formed by frozen ice particles. The ions originate from air pollution, friction, solar UV radiation, cosmic radiation, radioactivity...
The empirical distribution of charges in the thundercloud domains: positive charges predominate at the top of the cloud and negative charges at the bottom, probably explained by the 5.5 times greater mobility of electrons. Often a positively charged region also develops in the lowest part of the cloud, at the interface of upflow and downflow.
Interesting facts:
The lightning light consists of visible and UV light, but at high currents it can also produce gamma rays and radiate at radio frequencies.
Dark lightning (R.P. Feynman-R.B. Leighton-M. Sands, p. 134): after a lightning flash, much debris and ion remains in the channel, the next flash passes straight through the old "dark" channel without zigzags.
Lightning (including ball lightning) has a sulphurous, nitrous oxide smell
Atmospheric scientists have found that lightning and invisible discharges, invisible to the camera or the naked eye, emit large amounts of hydroxyl ions
(OH-) and hydroperoxyl ions (HO2 -), which play an important role in the breakdown of air pollution.
Arc discharges created in the laboratory are characterised by negative (differential) resistance ( the discharge current increases as the voltage that generates the discharge decreases. The current is limited only by the conservation laws.
B: saturation current
C: avalanche Townsend discharge
D: self-sustained Townsend discharge
E: unstable region: corona discharge (when the voltage decreases, the current increases!)
F: sub-normal glow discharge
G: normal glow discharge
H: abnormal glow discharge
I: unstable region: glow-arc transition
J: electric arc (when the voltage decreases, the current increases!)
K: electric arc
The A-D region is called a dark discharge; there is some ionization, but the current is below 10 microamperes and there is no significant amount of radiation produced.
The F-H region is a region of glow discharge; the plasma emits a faint glow that occupies almost all the volume of the tube; most of the light is emitted by excited neutral atoms.
The I-K region is a region of arc discharge; the plasma is concentrated in a narrow channel along the center of the tube;
An interesting fact: perhaps an explanation can also be obtained for ball lightning ( If a coloured foreshock from the ground surface does not encounter an upper lightning, and if the atmospheric voltage is high enough, thermal emission rarely occurs even for a coloured foreshock from the ground surface ( Thermionic emission, discharge of electrons in gases are widely used in lightening tubes.
where, is the absolute temperature (10-11000 Kelvin); is the electron density in the ionized gas dielectric ( The collisions between the particles at any degree of the gas ionization are different from those between the fully ionized gas dielectric. The plasma at any ionization degree is composed of cation, anion, electron and neutral molecule (atom). Under the action of the electric field or the gradient of the temperature field, the ions in the plasma will move in the same direction to the electric field or in the direction of temperature decreasing, leading to the diffusion current of charge motion. The theory of Chapman–Cowling theory determines the conductivity of the weak ionization
where, is the cross section area of collision; is the absolute temperature; is the ionization degree. In fact, the full ionization and the weak ionization are the two extreme circumstances of the gas ionization, and in general, for any degree of the gas ionization, the conductivity parallel model must be employed
to calculate the conductivity (